Thinking of Empanadas

Hey hello and welcome back on my blog!I hoped you liked the previous post about Arepas and maybe you even tried to make it for yourselves to see and taste how delicious these Arepas and their fillings are. Today I am staying in the Latin Cuisine and I want to talk to you about anotherContinue reading “Thinking of Empanadas”

Thinking of Arepa’s

Hey hello everybody,Good to see you back here, today I’m talking about the food Arepa. What are Arepas, where do Arepas come from and how to make it for yourself. But first let me explain why Arepas?As you know I live on a small vulcanic rock in the Caribbean and we have a lot ofContinue reading “Thinking of Arepa’s”

Hello again

Hello to all who know me already and everybody new! It has been awhile that I have been writing on this blog for some reasons and maybe some day I will talk about it here but for me the most important thing is that I am back on my blog with all new ideas andContinue reading “Hello again”

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